puretaboo, pinkrod Girls Night

Girls Night

Teen pushed into Sleepover Sex with Brother & Sister

Scene opens on a beautiful summer day as 18-year-old Kacey drives over to her friend Andi’s house. A backpack, board games, and pillow are tossed in the back seat and the radio is on. Kacey and Andi have been best friends since childhood and are practically inseparable … even after Kacey’s family moved out of town. Now, it’s the final weekend before both girls move out of state to attend different colleges so Andi has invited Kacey over for a ‘girls’ night’ sleepover … for old times sake.

When Kacey arrives at the door, Andi greets her enthusiastically. The BFFs giggle and hug before grabbing Kacey’s things and heading inside. Andi seems slightly unhinged, looking over her shoulder as she closes the door. The girls settle into the living room and start to catch up when their conversation is cut short by Andi’s step-brother Todd returning home. Kacey has always been very wary about Todd. He was the black sheep of Andi’s family, unemployed, in and out of trouble, and very aggressive. He had moved back in this Summer after a stint in the army and Andi had been very quiet about it.

Now, the moment the brother walked in the room, Andi’s behavior changed dramatically … from outspoken and giddy to nervous and reserved. Kacey notices this but, before she can react, Todd slides on to the couch and crashes their conversation. Throughout the dialogue, he keeps putting his sister down in front of Kacey and making lewd jokes at her expense, while being very touchy and flirtatious at the same time. Andi takes it without a word, staring blankly at her best friend. This is not a normal way for siblings to treat each other and the situation makes Kacey feel very uncomfortable, especially when she catches Todd leering at her too.

Later that night, after an evening of board games and makeovers, Kacey and Andi undress to get ready for bed. As the girls strip out of their clothes, Kacey notices some strange markings around one of Andi’s wrists. When she asks about it, Andi shrugs it off and quickly changes the subject. An awkwardness hangs in the air around them until Kacey breaks the silence by asking to use the shower. Her best friend seems relieved and grabs her a towel.

As Kacey rinses off, she can’t help but feel uneasy. She leans up against the wall and scrubs herself, lost in thought. You can tell she’s thinking about Andi. She turns the shower off and pulls the curtain back in time to see Todd darting out. He had clearly been in there watching her. Kacey quickly grabs her towel and wraps it around herself.

Back in Andi’s room, Kacey tries to explain what happened but Andi is quick to dismiss her, making up excuses about how he must have accidentally walked in. She tells her BFF that she’s tired and the two girls turn out the lights.

In the middle of the night, Kacey wakes up to strange noises. Slowly rolling over, she realizes that Andiand Todd are having sex aggressively on the bed beside her.

puretaboo, pinkrod The Grade

The Grade

Teen Student Fucks Her Teacher after Persuading Him

The scene opens on Veronica, an 18-year-old high school student, as she sits in her darkened room. Her bed is littered with school books, notepads, tissues and scrunched up papers … including a term paper she recently got back from her teacher. Despite all her efforts, Mr. Pullman has given her a failing grade and the teenager is devastated. She sits slouched over, in the middle of the bed, with a boxcutter in her hand, tempting fate by tracing the blade back and forth across her skin. The door knocks, startling the girl. From outside, her mother softly asks if she will come out of her room now. Veronica screams no. The mother pleads with her, telling her to please just unlock the door and come downstairs. It’s only one semester she’ll have to repeat … she can even do it over the summer. Veronica tells her mom to leave her alone and wipes her eyes. She picks up the term paper and stares at it hard, before ripping it to shreds. ‘There is no fucking way I’m failing this year because of you,’ she mutters.

A tea kettle whistles. Mr. Pullman, dressed comfortably at home, comes into the kitchen and takes the kettle off the stove. He pours himself a cup of tea and, poking his head around the corner, yells up to his wife that’s he’s going to spend some quiet time alone in his study. He still has so many papers to grade.

The man walks into his study and sits down on the couch, a stack of papers neatly organized in front of him alongside his grading pen and laptop. You get the sense that he is very organized. He picks up a paper and begins to go through it when the door knocks. Surprised, he walks over to the door and opens it to reveal Veronica standing there. She has cleaned herself up and is neatly dressed, a stark contrast to how she looked before. When he asks what she is doing at his house, the girl invites herself inside and informs Mr. Pullman that she needs to speak with him. It’s urgent. He shuts the door and follows her back inside, cautiously looking over his shoulder to see if his wife has heard. The house remains still.

He invites the girl to sit down on the couch and takes a seat on his arm chair, giving adequate distance between them. He asks again what she is doing at his house on a Friday night. How did she even get his address? This is generally not considered acceptable by school policy. Veronica apologizes for the intrusion and, speaking very politely, asks her teacher if he can simply explain to her why he gave the failing grade on her term paper. Mr. Pullman takes a breath before launching into his explanation, highlighting all the historical inaccuracies she gave and hinting that he suspected plagiarism. Veronica stares at him coldly, asking him to repeat himself several times. She picks up some of the papers he has neatly stacked and belligerently asks if these are plagiarized as well. She starts to randomly read them and make comments as she throws the papers around his room. Frustrated, especially when she starts to rip up pages, Mr. Pullman grabs her wrist and throws her back down on the couch. He orders her to stop and tells her that his wife is upstairs. She cannot just come into his house and disrupt everything like this because of a bad grade.

puretaboo, pinkrod Taking the Enema

Taking the Enema

Dad Hires Doctor to give Slutty Teen Daughter an Anal Cleaning

Scene opens on George, a typical blue-collar guy, as he lazes around at home one afternoon watching TV and eating a bowl of chips. His wife is out of town and it’s his first day off in weeks so the man is very eager to relax when, suddenly, he hears screaming coming from the other end of the house. It’s his 18-year-old step-daughter, Kelly, crying out for him. She sounds very frightened. George puts the chips down and darts back to her bedroom. When he opens the door, he is shocked to find the girl naked in bed on all fours, grabbing at her ass and looking back at him. He covers his eyes and asks what the hell she’s doing. The pitiful teen begs him to be cool and just come in; she’s got herself into a situation and she really needs his help.

George tries to persuade the girl to wait for her mom but the teen explains she needs help now so he demands that she at least cover up first. It isn’t appropriate for him to be looking at his step-daughter naked. Kelly awkwardly shields herself in a towel and asks him to come to the bed. She stammers that she tried to do something this afternoon … something sexual … but now it’s stuck. You can see George cringe when he hears this, as he has no desire to have any sex talk with his step-daughter. He tries to diffuse the conversation but Kelly is insistent. She tells him she took her mom’s meditation balls and put them inside of her because she wanted to know what anal sex felt like. Now, several balls are in her bum and she can’t get them out. She doesn’t know what to do and her stomach is cramping. She’s convinced they’re lost. George cringes even further. Kelly asks if he is willing to try and get them out. George gets off the bed and shakes his head: No way, you’re eighteen now. That would be inappropriate. Your mom would freak out! Kelly begs him to just do it, she won’t tell anyone, she needs help. She removes the towel and gets back on all fours, ass arched up. Please just see if you can get them out, she begs. George reluctantly uses his fingers to try and spread her asshole open and look inside. She keeps encouraging him to go further but the man panics, unable to do it. Kelly starts to cry and, desperate, George comforts her and says he will have an emergency doctor make a house call to deal with this. She doesn’t have to go anywhere and she doesn’t have to panic. He’ll fix everything.

Scene cuts to a car pulling into the driveway. George runs out to greet the doctor, who steps out of his car dressed neatly and wearing a white jacket. George thanks him profusely for coming so quickly and with such discretion. The doctor, very direct and clinical in his speech, cuts George off to ask if he’ll assist in bringing his materials inside. George shuts up and they exit the frame in silence. When the doctor enters Kelly’s room, with George in tow, Kelly is lying naked in a fetal position. She is very uncomfortable. The Doctor, who introduces himself as Dr. Finch, matter-of-factly asks her to sit up and explain her symptoms while he checks her heart and blood pressure, puts on gloves and pulled out a bottle of lubricant from his bag. He has her get back on all fours and, asking her permission to touch, lubes up her asshole and slowly slides his fingers in until his is fist-deep and able to pull out each ball. They slowly plop on the bed and he hands them to George, who stares down in disbelief. For some reason, he can’t help but feel a bit aroused … even though he knows he shouldn’t.

puretaboo, pinkrod Mail Order

Mail Order

Russian Teen Bride Moves in with Sexually Frustrated Loner

The scene opens on a girl stepping through a front door. She is being led past a living room and down a narrow hallway by a nervous, jittery man. You can’t quite see his face but he talks a lot and stumbles as he carries her heavy suitcase. He is saying how excited he has been for her arrival, how much he cleaned up the house, had the pool cleaned, bought groceries, and how he hopes his Russian princess will feel comfortable in her new home. After all, he may not look like much but he makes a lot of money and he knows how to treat a lady. They stop at a bedroom door and, stepping into frame for the first time, he smiles awkwardly at her and opens it. A tidy bedroom is revealed. Cut to show Natasha, a conservatively dressed 18-year-old Russian girl, as she sees her new room for the first time. She smiles meekly at the man and tells him in a thick accent that it is beautiful. He looks relieved and points out several shopping bags on the bed, telling her he bought all the clothes, bikinis, and makeup she asked for. He hopes they fit and that she’ll try them on for him one day. She nods and thanks him. They stand awkwardly in silence for a moment, before the man excuses himself to let her get settled. She waits to hear him walk down the hall before smiling and laughing to herself. She did it. She made it!

Several hours later, Natasha is lying by the pool in one of the bikinis the man bought her. She is talking on the phone in Russian to a friend back home, bragging about how nice her new house is. So big, so modern, with a pool, kitchen and a washer-dryer. And it’s all hers now, all in exchange for being nice to this geek. She describes the man to her friend. His face isn’t ugly but he dresses weird and is clearly a virgin. She is laughing. Inside the house, a POV of the man silently watches her.

Cut to the dining room that evening. Natasha is seated, secretly checking her phone under the table, when the man enters with some takeout. All-American burger and fries, just like she requested. Her eyes go wide and she digs in, while the man watches her and keeps rambling. He talks about all his plans for her once they get the paperwork settled — the trips they can take, the adventures they can have. Maybe even one day she’ll find him as attractive as he finds her. She smiles and nods passively as she stuffs her face. He asks her how she likes her new house. She replies that it is a dream come true, everything a woman would want! He savors this reaction … before casually reminding her that, at only 18-years-old, she is living a better life than most women ever do. She forces a smile. He continues to rant about her age and how he remembers being that young. No girls would ever give him any attention. He was too shy, too introverted. But he showed them. He makes more money now than they’ll ever get. And, besides, he doesn’t need American girls anymore … when he has his Russian princess. Natasha wipes her mouth and goes to excuse herself when the man grabs her wrist. ‘It is our first night together,’ he says eagerly. ‘Would it be acceptable if you slept in the master with me? You could even try on one of those nighties I bought you?’ He stares at her intently and she slowly nods.

Scene cuts to her in the bathroom. Wearing her silk nightie, she stares at herself silently in the mirror, trying to psych herself up. From the bedroom, he calls out to her. ‘Are you ready?’ She tells him just a minute and pretends to flush the toilet. She nervously washes her hands and looks back in the mirror. ‘If you are given something, take it.’ She reminds herself in Russian.

She walks over to his bed and gets under the covers. He stares at her, breathing hard. His dick is erect under the sheets and he’s masturbating. ‘I’ve been waiting for this ever since I first messaged you,’ he says. Not wanting to make eye contact, she looks away and nods. He pulls back the sheets to expose himself. ‘Look how hard you make me! I’ve been like this all day.’ He continues. Her eyes dart all over the room, as she smiles passively and tells him he is very big. ‘I bet my Russian princess would like to wrap her lips around this big, hard cock!’ he continues, sounding more aggressive. She sighs and says yes before going to down to blow him.

puretaboo, pornalized Don't Talk to Strangers

Don’t Talk to Strangers

School Girl Taken and Fucked by Deranged Married Couple

The scene opens on Amy, a bright and happy 18-year-old high school student, as she heads home from school one afternoon. The camera lingers on her while she walks – wearing her school uniform, listening to ear-buds, and carrying a book bag innocently over her shoulder. When she passes a homeless man, she pauses and reaches into her bag, handing him her lunch leftovers. The man thanks her and she tellshim to keep his chin up before putting her buds back in and walking on. You can tell the girl is a very good Samaritan.

As Amy continues, she spots a car pulled up along the side of the road. A woman is leaning up against it. When she sees the girl approach, she pulls out her phone and starts to mutter to herself … frustrated. Amy stops and regards the woman, who is immaculately dressed and very beautiful. ‘Are you ok?’ she asks. The woman stops and, sighing, tells the girl that she’s lost and can’t get her GPS to work. She and her husband are late for an engagement and desperately need directions. Amy peers into the car and spots the woman’s husband in the front seat. He is dressed in a suit and politely waves at her. She looks back at the woman and asks where they are going, maybe she can help point them in the right direction. The woman tells her that they are attending a function at the convention center — but she lost the invite with the address and their signal dropped. Because they are out of towners, they simply don’t know where to go. Amy begins to give them directions but as she explains where to go, the woman sighs again and mutters that her mind is like a sieve. She’s not possibly going to remember. Amy stops and tries to think of another way to explain, as the woman subtly glances back at her husband. ‘What if you were to get in the car and take us there?’ The woman asks. ‘My husband and I would be happy to pay you for your troubles and it would really help us out.’ Amy, knowing that she isn’t supposed to do this, glances in at the husband again. He looks perfectly normal. ‘I would probably need to ask my parents.’ She slowly says. She looks back up at the woman, who calmly asks how old she is. When Amy replies that she is eighteen, the woman smiles and laughs. ‘If you’re eighteen then why would you need to ask your parents? You’re a grown up!’ Amy laughs along meekly. The woman asks her name and Amy tells her. ‘Well Amy,’ the woman reiterates. ‘It would really help us out if you would just get in the car.’ Amy takes a long pause before agreeing. The woman opens the back seat and Amy climbs in. Then, surveying the area and kicking dirt over the footprints, the woman walks back to the passenger side and gets inside. The car screeches off.

Two Days Later.
The camera comes into focus as Amy slowly lifts her head from her lap. She is curled up in a ball in an empty room. Her bag is gone, her ear-buds are gone, and her school girl uniform is dusty and dirty. Her hair is tousled and her face is streaked with sweat. She has a terrible headache. A bucket sits close by, alongside a toothbrush in a glass of water, and some remnants of food. She wipes her eyes and starts to pick at the food when a door opens. It’s the couple. No longer in formal wear, they step towards her in casual clothes and latex gloves. ‘You’ve eaten all your food this time,’ says the husband. ‘What a good little pet.’ The teen looks up at him in cold silence. She asks when she can have her call with her parents, the one they promised. The woman smiles. ‘I told you already Amy, you can have your phone call when you make me cum.’ The couple laugh as Amy slumps back down.

Four Days Later.
Amy runs around the empty room, banging on the walls. She unbuttons the last of her blouse and tosses it in the corner. The room is very hot. Sitting down defeated, she calls out to the couple that she is ready for them now. She’ll do whatever they want. She just needs some air. She waits desperately for a reply but it never comes and she collapses into a heap on the floor.

puretaboo, pornalized The Electra Complex

The Electra Complex

Daughter Convinced by Therapist that She Wants to Fuck Dad

The scene opens on Bruce, a handsome blue-collar man, as he sits solemnly at the dining room table cracking his knuckles. He is staring blankly at a photo of his wife. The woman died two months earlier after a sudden illness and his family has been devastated, especially his step-daughter Laurie, who went from being a typical happy girl to a distant, resentful stranger. Now, he is waiting for her to come home — and she is late. Two hours late for their appointment, a session with a therapist that Bruce has arranged in the wake of his wife’s death. When she finally returns home, he stands up to confront her but before the man can say anything, Laurie lashes into him. He’s not her real father, he can’t tell her what to do anymore, she’s 18, an adult, she’s going to leave any day now. They quickly descend into a screaming match in the living room, where Bruce tries to talk reason with his daughter and she hurls insults and hits him. Finally, he is forced to grab her and pin her down, to stop her tantrum. There is a long, intense pause as they stare, breathing hard, inches from each other. He tells her they are going to this therapist and that’s an order. She spits in his face. The father, beside himself, grabs her by the wrist and pulls her outside to the car.

Scene cuts to a neatly appointed office. A therapist sits behind her desk, working on a laptop, when there is a knock on the door. She opens it to reveal Bruce, looking defeated, with his angry, tear- stricken daughter beside him. He is still grabbing her wrist. ‘Sorry we are late,’ he says as she lets them in.

The father and daughter sit down as the therapist begins her session. She tells Laurie that she has been counselling Bruce since her mother’s untimely passing and that both felt it was important to bring Laurie into the sessions. She asks Bruce to describe to his daughter how he has been feeling since the funeral. Looking down at the floor, Bruce explains his sorrow, especially over the distance he has felt with the girl he raised as his own. It feels as if he lost not just his wife, but his daughter as well. She is so angry that they barely talk anymore and it’s tearing him up inside. The therapist asks Laurie to share her feelings. Laurie clams up at first but, after some soothing words by the kind therapist, breaks down and confesses that she secretly hates herself for her mother’s death. Bruce is dumbstruck. He tries to comfort her, she didn’t cause her mom’s illness. But Laurie, crying, tells him that she doesn’t hate herself for mom dying, she hates the fact that she secretly wanted her gone. She had wanted her gone for as long as she could remember… all so she could have Bruce to herself.

The therapist, who has been calmly taking notes, walks back over to her library and pulls out a book. ‘I understand the root of this now,’ she says. ‘Have either of you heard of the Electra complex?’ The shocked family says nothing. ‘It’s a Neo-Freudian psychological theory, proposed by Carl Jung, about a girl’s psychosexual competition with her mother for possession of her father.’ Bruce stands up and tries to shut down the conversation, saying it’s inappropriate. The therapist advises him to sit and continues. ‘The term itself is derived from the Greek myth of Electra. During female psychosexual development, a young girl is initially attached to her mother. Most often, because of the powerful connection of the womb and breastfeeding. But, when she discovers her father (or father figure, in this case) and the fact that his body is different from her own, she develops a sexual attachment to him leading her to sub- consciously want to remove her mother and be with her dad.’ Laurie starts laughing nervously. The therapist puts her book away and walks up to Laurie, placing her hand on her shoulder. ‘What is making you laugh?’ She asks. Laurie tells her she is laughing because it’s uncomfortable. ‘And what exactly is uncomfortable?’ Laurie looks at Bruce in defiance before turning back and telling the therapist that suggesting she fucks her step-dad makes her uncomfortable.

The therapist smiles and walks over to Bruce, sitting down in his lap and starting to stroke his face affectionately. Without pause, Laurie jumps up and grabs her. The therapist smiles and steps off, noting that she had just proven her point. Look at how the daughter reacted to competition! This is clearly a case of Electra. She tells Laurie to sit back down and listen: they are going to focus this session on an exercise. To work out her resentment towards her mother and anger at her step-dad, the therapist advises Laurie that she must roleplay as the woman herself. ‘Put yourself in the role of your mother. Bruce will be himself. And I will play you.’

puretaboo, pornalized The Psychiatrist

The Psychiatrist

Troubled Teen Mom Confronts Daddy Issues with Sadistic Shrink

SCENE opens on an close up of Sheila’s face, as she staggers down the road. The 19-year-old girl looks dazed. Her face is sweaty. Her clothes are wet and loose, hanging off her petite frame, and she is clutching a bundle tightly against her chest. She comes upon a shed and, looking over her shoulder to make sure no one is around, carefully places the bundle between some rocks at the back of the structure. A WORM’S EYE angle shows her staring down at it. She slowly starts to cry. Wiping her tears, she composes herself and walks off. As she crosses the front of the shed, a man steps out and catches her. Surprised, he asks if she is OK. Not wanting to get caught, she runs off without saying a word, wiping the frame and leaving the man to wonder what she was doing behind his shed. He walks around the back to take look and, after a moment, lets out a scream.

Close up of Sheila sitting stone-faced. She is handcuffed to a chair while a police officer stands silently behind her. A well-dressed man enters the room and approaches her. Putting his hand on her shoulder, he tells the officer to remove the cuffs and wait outside. When the officer exits, the man slowly removes his grip and sits down on a chair opposite Sheila. They survey each other for a moment before the man asks if she knows who he is. She has no reaction. The man introduces himself as Dr. Powell. He explains that he is a psychiatrist who has been appointed by the court in her case. She says nothing. Taking a deep breath, he asks if she knows why she is here. When she continues to be silent, he picks up his notebook and reads that she is here because of the June 7, 2017 incident involving her baby. Sheila looks away, to hide her reaction, and mutters something incoherent. Dr. Powell pulls his chair a little closer. He tells her that she has been charged with attempted homicide and, since she is 19-years-old, she is going to be tried as an adult. Her attorney, a public defender, is trying to build a case to prove it was involuntary abandonment. Right now, that defense is greatly dependent on this session. The psychiatrist’s role will be to examine her and provide testimony about her mental state. His recommendations will provide the legal evidence that her attorney is hoping for — proof that she was not of sound mind when committing the act.

He asks if she knows the difference between voluntary and involuntary? Turning to face him for the first time, she says blankly ‘Yes, I know the difference very well.’ Sensing her resistance, Dr. Powell sits back in his chair and smiles. ‘Involuntary is an unintential act committed by someone who has no spite or anger and no intention to cause harm.’ He speaks condescendingly. ‘It is very difficult to prove, especially in this kind of case, as I’m sure you know. But that’s why we’re here today … so, why don’t we start by you telling me what happened.’ Sheila turns away. Dr. Powell licks his lips. ‘How exactly did you get pregnant?’ He asks. She says nothing. He stands up, adjusting himself subtly. ‘Was it one of the boys from your school?’ He asks, glancing at his notes. ‘Oh wait … you don’t go to school. You haven’t gone to school since ….’ Sheila cuts him off and tells him that she’s homeschooled. Walking around her, Dr. Powell asks her to elaborate — what was it like to be taught by your parents instead of a regular teacher? Did it make you feel isolated to be away from other kids? Sheila stares down at her feet and tells him she wasn’t taught by her parents. She was taught by her poppa. Dr. Powell stops walking. He licks his lips again, trying to contain the smirk forming on his face. ‘Was your father a strict teacher?’ He asks. Sheila looks up at him. ‘My poppa is everything.’ She replies and begins to cry.

puretaboo, pornalized The Perfect Son

The Perfect Son

Teen Talked into Sex with Emotionally Unstable Mother and Son

The scene opens on Jessy and Adam, two 19-year-old college sweethearts, as they sit awkwardly at a dining room table. The couple, who met at school, have been dating for several months and tonight Adam has brought the girl home to meet his step-mother, Mrs. Curtin. Jessy is an outspoken, liberal arts student, a sharp contrast from Adam, who dresses conservatively, studies economics, and still lives at home. But the two are in love and, despite Adam’s reservations, Jessy has been the one pushing to meet his family. She is very serious about him and wants to take things to the next level. So, under the table, she squeezes his hand and assures him that everything will be ok. When Mrs. Curtin enters the room, carrying a tray of food, Adam drops his girlfriend’s hand and stands up to help his mother. She is dressed immaculately and seems friendly but fragile — there is something about the way she carries herself that is almost frantic. While her son dutifully helps her set the food down, Mrs. Curtin smiles and tells Jessy about what a good man Adam has become. Ever since she came into his life when he was a young boy, he has been just like a real son to her — a perfect son. Jessy, bright and bubbly, tells Mrs. Curtin in turn all about how she met Adam and how much she likes him. His mother smiles and feigns interest, but you can tell she is very preoccupied with her boy. The moment he starts to move back over to Jessy’s side, she comes up with some reason for him to come back to her. Adam seems aware of this and awkwardly tries to diffuse the situation but, after a certain point, Jessy begins to feel uneasy. She excuses herself to the bathroom. Once alone, Jessy closes the bathroom door and presses herself against it. She stares off into space … something is very strange about Adam’s mother!

Jessy washes her hands and stares at herself in the bathroom mirror before returning to the dining room. She finds Adam sitting alone. He seems nervous and agitated. She asks him where his mother went but, before he can really reply, Jessy starts to candidly talk about how weird dinner has been. She can’t believe how overbearing and clingy Mrs. Curtin is, especially since he is a grown man. Why is she treating him like a coddled child and why does he have to drop everything to care of her? It must be so annoying to still live at home; no wonder he is always so serious! As she laughs, she nudges closer to Adam to kiss him when she looks down and notices that Mrs. Curtin is under the table sucking her step- son’s dick! Jessy jumps back in disgust and, after cursing at her boyfriend and his mother for being sick and disgusting, she storms out of the house.

As she runs to her car and starts struggling to open the door, Adam follows apologetically after her. He begs her to stop and listen to him, he can explain everything. It’s not what it looks like. It’s not cheating and he doesn’t consider it sex … well not exactly …. he just has to take care of his mom this way. When

Jessy accuses him of being a pervert, he reminds her that Mrs. Curtin isn’t actually his biological relative … she’s just been his mom for most of his life. His father was horribly abusive and made their life a living hell so, ever since they split up, Adam has had to step in and take care of her. Mrs. Curtin is emotionally fragile and will spiral into panic attacks if he doesn’t do things with her sometimes, especially when she is feeling threatened. It seems unorthodox but it is just how his family functions now. While Jessy cries and struggles to understand how her boyfriend could keep such a secret, Adam keeps trying to reassure her. ‘I promise you I don’t consider it sex,’ he tells her. ‘I just consider it being a good son. I’m helpingher keep calm. Nothing else has ever worked. Please, don’t reject me because of this. I love you and I want to be with you. I swear!’ Jessy asks if he will stop. Adam tells her he wants to stop and that’s why he invited her over … she is the first girl he’s ever brought home. He begs her to just come inside and, together, they can explain to his mother how in love they are and, surely, she will understand that it’s time to let him go. The frazzled Jessy finally agrees and follows him back inside the house.

Mrs. Curtin is waiting silently in the living room when the couple arrive. Jessy is standoffish and Adam must plead with her to get her to sit down beside him. Arms crossed, she coldly tells him to start talking. Adam turns to his mom and meekly tells her that their affair will need to stop. As she hears this, Mrs. Curtin starts to cry and curl up in a ball on the couch. Adam rushes to her side to comfort her, while Jessy stands up in protest. She tells him that she’s leaving right now if he doesn’t make a choice. Adam looks desperate and conflicted. Through her tears, Mrs. Curtin makes a proposal: If her perfect son is really going to choose Jessy over her, she needs to at least understand why. She needs to see what Jessy has that makes her so special. She needs to watch them being together!

puretaboo, pornalized Blind Surprise

Blind Surprise

Creep Takes Advantage of Blind Virgin Teen and Creampies Her

Scene opens on a large estate covered in gardens. A car pulls up to the side of the house, it’s wheels skidding on the gravel. From Maxwell’s POV, we watch an older man as he hurriedly gets out and walks around to the side door to help a young woman step out. She is blind and cautiously unfolds a cane before taking the man’s hand. He carefully walks her through the garden and into a back door. CUT to Maxwell standing lost in a trance watching her. He is wearing dirty work clothes and carrying gardening supplies. The camera reveals the landscaping being done on the estate and several other workers in the background. One of them comes up and taps Maxwell on the shoulder. He needs to get back to work before the boss sees him. Just because he’s new doesn’t mean he gets a free ride. Noticing Maxwell’s stare, the coworker confides that the homeowner’s daughter is blind. Sherarely leaves the house except for appointments or when one of her doctors come over. It’s sad because she just turned eighteen and is super-hot but her dad keeps her so sheltered. Maxwell looks lost in thought, barely listening to the guy. Finally, he says ‘yea … it’s really sad.’

A static shot of the back door, as Maxwell steps into frame. He is tending the garden while staring at the girl’s room, shots intercutting between the door and his face. From his periphery, the father walks back out to his car and notices Maxwell. He yells at him to get back to work before he tells the contractor. Maxwell snaps out of it and goes back to looking busy. But, as the father drives off the property, Maxwell watches. He must get a closer look.

CUT to Maxwell stepping up to the back door and peering inside. The bedroom is empty. He slowly turns the handle and, realizing it is unlocked, sneaks inside. CUT to inside the house. Maxwell takes in the room as he creeps around, checking out the daughter’s things. He notices some clothes on the bed, alongside the girl’s cane. He picks them up, takes in a deep breath, and closes his eyes. She smells so good. Suddenly, the ensuite bathroom door opens and the daughter steps into the room. She is naked and feeling her way over to her bed. Maxwell tip-toes out of the way, narrowly avoiding her. He keeps very still as she innocently begins to dress. Over the next few minutes, the daughter goes about herpost-shower routine completely unaware of the fact she’s not alone. Maxwell is transfixed and can’t help but begin to stroke himself as he watches her. Noticing his breathing, the daughter stops and looks alarmed. She calls out into the darkness — ‘Is Somebody there?’

Not knowing what to do, Maxwell starts to back up when he accidentally knocks something over. It falls to the floor with a bang and the daughter, seeming relieved, says ‘Doctor, is that you? I wasn’t expecting you so soon!’ Without hesitation, Maxwell replies ‘Yes.’ The daughter pauses, telling him that she doesn’t recognize his voice. Maxwell says that he is a new doctor, brought in as a replacement today.

He nervously introduces himself. Sticking her hand out, she tells him her name is Fawn. Maxwell nervously shakes her hand. Fawn asks if she can feel his face, which is what she always does with new people. His dick still in hand, Maxwell nervously allows her to touch his face. She does so with great innocence and curiosity. ‘You’re younger than Dr. Freeman,’ she says. ‘I don’t meet a lot of younger people!’ Maxwell tries his best to control his excitement but her touch sends him off. He looks at her, still half naked, and knows that he must get inside of her.

puretaboo, pornalized Right to Refuse

Right to Refuse

Teen Virgins Have Sex with Corrupt Cop After Getting Caught Trespassing

SCENE opens inside a car late one night. A group of teenagers are headed home from a party. Amy, a shy 18-year-old girl, sits in the backseat beside her best friend Heather. Heather is also 18-years-old but much more mature and flirty than Amy and is occupied by a boy beside her, while another one drives. They all laugh about the party when suddenly, a cop car pulls up behind them and starts flashing its lights. The boy driving tells everyone to be cool and tries to smooth talk the cop when he rolls down the window. But, after reviewing his license and registration, the cop asks the two women to step out of the car. Nervously, they do, and the cop asks them their ages, where they’ve been, and whether thereare any drugs in the car. Heather is quick to say ‘NO’ but Amy grabs her and whispers something in her ear. The cop sees this and turns to her, repeating his question. Nervously, Amy mutters that she thinks there might be something in her friend’s purse. The cop sneers and turns Heather around, handcuffing her. He informs Heather that he is placing her under arrest and that Amy must accompany them. They will both be getting a citation. The cop then tells the boys to hand him the purse and move along, they can retrieve their girlfriends from the precinct in three hours once they’ve been written up. The boys looked shocked but scared and do as they’re told, driving off and leaving the two girls alone with the officer. Amy clutches the purse tightly.

The officer leads the two girls into a house. They both look very confused. ‘Where is the police station?’ Amy asks, still clutching the purse. The officer removes Heather’s handcuffs and casually informs them that he just had to stop at home for something first. He hopes they don’t mind and he trusts they won’t go anywhere. He leaves the room. Amy rushes over to Heather, who is still rubbing her wrists after having the cuffs removed. ‘This feels really weird, Heather.’ Amy says. ‘Why would a cop take us to his house? In fact, why did he only arrest us in the first place?’ Heather, looking nervous, snaps at her friend to be cool. She reminds him that they got arrested because she ratted her out about the purse.

The cop comes back into the room with some glasses. He offers the girls a drink and invites them to sit down. He removes his gun holder and rests it on the table before asking to see the purse. Amy tries to protest, asking if he needs a warrant to do this. Heather snaps at her again, smiling at the officer and apologizing for her friend. She grabs the purse and opens it on the table, explaining that she may have some pills that she got from her mother but that’s it. The officer spots the pills and asks what kind they are. Heather meekly admits to having amphetamines, pills she took from her mother’s medicine cabinet. The cop shakes his head and puts the bag of pills in his pocket. ‘Two eighteen-year-old girls caught with their mother’s prescriptions,’ he says. ‘Not only will it get you in trouble with the law, but I would imagine your families will both be very disappointed in you when they find out.’ He sips his drink. ‘Do they know you were out late at night with older guys?’ Amy flushes red and puts her head in her hands. Heather admits to the cops that they had both lied to their parents. The cop laughs to himself, taking another sip. He slips his shoes off. ‘You know, the reason I pulled you over in the first place is because we had an alert out on that guy’s license plate!’ Amy turns to her friend in anger and whispers under her breath that she knew those guys were trouble. Heather shrugs her off and looks at the cop. ‘Is there anything we can do to get out of this?’ She asks.

The cop sits up and studies them both. Heather tries to look brave while Amy shrinks back on the couch, arms folded. ‘I probably should just get you both down to the station,’ he says. ‘Those guys won’t be back for you tonight, I know their type, so you’ll both probably stay in lockup for a few days before we set a bail hearing.’ Amy starts to cry, while Heather tries to comfort her. She asks the cop again if there is anything they can do. ‘Well,’ the officer says. ‘I am a bit of a freak. What would you be willing to do to get out of this?’ Heather breathes heavily for a moment before muttering that she can suck his dick. Amy grabs her friend and tells her no, she shouldn’t have to do that. Heather tells her it’ll be ok, she will get them out of it. She gets down on her knees in front of the cop and asks again … saying she’ll give him a blowjob if he will let them go. He agrees but only if Amy joins in as well.

puretaboo, pornalized Converting My Sister

Converting My Sister

Lesbian Teen Ends up Fucking her Step-Brother

Scene opens on Rick, a good looking All-American college guy, as he finishes shaving in the mirror. A birthday present sits on the counter beside him, with a card to his younger step-sister. Over a series of detail shots, you hear Rick singing to himself and muttering about her — today is her 19th birthday, she’s become such a beautiful young woman, she’s going to love his present, he has always had feelings for her … ever since their parents got married years ago, and how good it’s going to be to finally fuck her. It sounds as if he is practicing a speech, something he’s been wanting to say forever. The phone rings. Rick sees the caller ID is his sister, Jessica and, wiping the last of the cream off his neck, smiles and answers. A split screen shows a locked-off mid-shot of each sibling as they have their conversation. Rick greets her enthusiastically and asks if she is excited for the family BBQ tonight, she’s going to love his present. She laughs awkwardly and tells him that the BBQ is cancelled. She asked their parents to leave for the weekend as her gift instead … so she can finally get the house to herself. You can see Rick’s look of disappointment … until Jessica asks if he will still come over. They can get into all kinds of trouble with their parents gone and, besides, she has something important to tell him. His eyes light up and he eagerly agrees, saying he’ll be over in an hour. The split screen ends on Jessica’s side of the conversation as she hangs up the phone. She nervously walks to her bed and collapses on her back, revealing a rainbow bracelet on her wrist. She tugs at it and bites her lip.

Scene cuts to Rick walking into the family’s house, present in hand. Hearing him enter, Jessica runs over and jumps on her brother, bear hugging him and saying how much she missed him. He looks at her lustfully, as he hands over her present and starts to half stammer through his speech. But Jessica is distracted and nervous, shushing him and pulling him upstairs to her bedroom. She must tell him her secret now, she can’t wait any longer.

The step-siblings sit on the bed. As Jessica starts to talk, Rick awkwardly gets her to open the present. It’s a lacey camisole. The tomboyish Jessica looks at it sideways as Rick calmly places his hand on her knee and gets ready to make his move. But, to his shock, the secret she reveals has NOTHING to do with him. It’s her. She is a lesbian. Rick can’t hide his disappointment and Jessica takes this as a negative reaction. She asks him for his support and advice on what to do about their homophobic parents. She doesn’t want to hide who she is but she is very afraid they will kick her out if they learn the truth.

puretaboo, pornalized The Pickle

The Pickle

Step-Brother Must Comfort Sister after She Gets Stuck Trying Anal Sex

SCENE opens on a Sshot of Jenny, an 18-year-old girl, as she leans up against the kitchen counter, arms crossed, while her parents get ready to leave for the day. As they weave around her collecting their things, her father reiterates the house rules: no friends over, no boys over, just a quiet day alone. They will be back before midnight. Jenny rolls her eyes and reminds them that she’s eighteen, fully capable of being left on her own. Her mother hugs her and tells her that she can always call her older brother if she needs something. Jenny rolls her eyes again and mutters ‘step-brother’ under her breath. The parents say goodbye and Jenny watches them leave, a fake smile on her face. As soon as she hears the door close, her smile turns into a smirk and she struts over to the fridge. She leans in and starts pulling out various food items including a cucumber, a bag of carrots, and a pickle jar. She picks each one up and studies them before settling on a carrot. Biting her lip, she collects the rest of the food and walks back to her bedroom, closing the door.

Gary, Jenny’s older step-brother, sips a drink with his buddy at a local bar when his phone starts blowing up. It’s Jenny calling. At first, Gary ignores her but when she calls repeatedly, he excuses himself and answers the phone. She is hysterical, begging her brother to come to the family house because of an emergency. Gary tries to calm her down and understand what’s happening, but the sister is in such a panic that he agrees to come right away, believing there has been a serious accident. He gets off the phone and rushes out of the bar.

CUT to Gary running into the family house. Everything is quiet. He yells for his sister and, after a moment, hears her moaning from the back bedroom. The worried brother storms down the hall and bursts open the door, to discover his younger step-sister squatting in a corner … wearing only a bra. A carrot is sticking out of her ass. Shocked, he covers his eyes and demands to know what’s going on. Jenny begs him to close the door and come in. She doesn’t want anyone to know what’s happened, but she needs his help. Gary, his hand still over his eyes, asks where their parents are. Jenny explains that they have gone out for the day and left her in charge of the house. She thought it might be fun to … experiment … while she was alone. Gary slowly removes his hands from his face and stares at his sister, as she hobbles and crawls towards him. ‘What the hell did you do, sis?’ He asks. She explains that she wanted to know what anal sex felt like because all her friends are doing it. She thought if she tried to practice herself then she wouldn’t be scared for the real thing. She heard about girls using cucumbers, so she tried to work herself up to that … but now they’re stuck. Gary looks horrified and awkward, trying to avoid looking at his sister in such a state. There is a long silence. ‘What exactly did you put up inside of you?’ He mutters. Jenny buckles over and groans, begging her step-brother to just help her get them out and then he can lecture her afterwards.

puretaboo, pornalized The Family Tradition

The Family Tradition

The Family Tradition
Daughter Commits Unspeakable Acts Against Mom for Daddy’s Attention

SCENE opens on a shot of Paula, an 18-year-old girl, as she stares at herself in the bathroom mirror. From the mirror’s POV, we watch her. Her face is perfectly made up and she is wearing expensive lingerie … But something about her seems sad. Her face is stone cold and vacant. A minute of silence passes before she snaps out of it and takes something from her cabinet. She unwraps and drops two antacid tablets into a glass of water on the counter. The water fizzes. Cut back to a shot of Paula. She pulls on a fleecy robe to hide her lingerie and exits the room.

Mom and dad are sitting up in bed, watching TV, when Paula enters the room in her robe. She is holding the glass of water. When mom notices her, she tells her how adorable she looks and beckons her over to join them. Dad seems aloof and keeps flicking the remote. ‘I’ve brought you your antacid, mom.’ Paula says and hands her the glass. Mom smiles and takes it, thanking her daughter for always being so dutiful and taking care of her. Paula shrugs and tells her it’s no big deal. But mom pulls her in and gives her a hug. ‘No Paula, I mean it.’ She says. ‘All this year, ever since I got sick, you’ve been such an angel. Bringing me my medicine every night; Deciding to stay at home even after you graduated, just so you could take care of me along with your step-father.’ Dad keeps staring at the TV. Paula smiles and hugs her back. ‘You know me mom, I’ll always be your baby. Now come on and drink this before your reflex gets bad.’ Mom nods knowingly and takes a sip before turning to her husband. ‘Aren’t we blessed, honey?’ She says. ‘Blessed that our little girl has grown up into such a caring, loving woman? Other 18-year-olds mistreat their parents … but not our Paula. She takes such good care of us.’ Dad takes a long pause before turning to smile at his wife. ‘Yes, sweetie.’ Clutching Paula’s hand affectionately, mom drinks the rest of her antacid before placing the glass on the night stand. All three watch the TV in silence before mom slowly sputters and slumps over.

Paula stares down at her unconscious mother before dad breaks the silence. ‘Took long enough tonight,’ he says standing up and starting to remove his pajamas. ‘Are you wearing what I bought you?’ Paula slowly removes her hand from her mothers and stands up too … about to disrobe. Dad excitedly stops her. ‘Wait,’ he orders. ‘I want to save up for that. First, I think I want to fuck your face in that cute little robe for a minute. My sweet baby girl.’ He laughs as Paula stands there fidgeting. ‘Do you think we could go to my room this time?’ she asks submissively. Dad pulls down his pants and tells her to crawl over, they are going to do it here like they always do. Slowly Paula gets on her knees and makes her way over to her erect father. ‘Is step-daddy ready for his nightly blow job?’ she says, staring up at him. ‘In my house, you call me daddy.’ He says, grabbing her face. ‘I don’t want to hear that step bullshit again. Now, open your mouth.’ Paula smiles and says, ‘yes daddy.’

puretaboo, pornalized Fall Down Dad

Fall Down Dad

Desperate Teen Takes Step-Dad’s Creampie to End Years of Harassment

SCENE opens on eggs cracking in a pan of bacon. As the eggs sizzle, the camera leans out to reveal Andi, a petite 18-year-old girl, making breakfast in the kitchen. Frail and timid, she nervously flips the eggs and butters some toast while keeping an eye on the door. The room feels heavy and silent … until a kitchen timer goes off and makes her jump. At the same time, a door bursts open and Fred, herscruffy slob of a step-father, staggers into the kitchen demanding his meal. Andi snaps into submission and starts preparing his plate. You can feel the tension between them. Fred looks his daughter up and down before settling on his chair and waiting for his food. He grabs himself and leers: Do you know how hard I am right now? After you’re done in the kitchen, you should come over here and find out. I bet you fuck way better than your ma ever did! How old are you now, eighteen? That’s the perfect age … tight little eighteen-year-old pussy. He coughs and wheezes as he talks, catching his breath in between cat-calls. The more he taunts her, the more she tries to ignore him, which sets him off. His comments become accusations: What the hell do you think you’re wearing? I told you I wanted to see some moreskin around this house …. HEY, are you even listening to me? You better start treating me the way a father deserves to be treated! Under her breath, Andi mutters that he isn’t her real father. When Fred hears this, he slams his fist down. What did you say? Andi nervously stutters that Fred is her step-father. His eyes go wide in rage: Listen here, you little cunt. Your dad skipped out on you when you were a baby and when your mamma died, she left me in charge. So, do you know what that means? That means, if you want your inheritance, you’re gonna have to play nice with me. And that starts with respect. I’m your daddy now … and daddy likes his girl to do what she’s told.’ The two stare at each other in cold silence before Andi timidly says ‘yes, daddy.’ Fred sneers and starts forking his food. He takes one bite and spits it out. Disgusting! These eggs are runny and barely cooked. And this whole plate is covered in grease … What are you trying to do, give me a heart attack?’ He staggers out of the room, winded, leaving Andi staring down at the plate before looking off in the distance. Something has to change.

That afternoon, Andi is folding her father’s clothes when he summons her into the bathroom. It’s time for his shave, something he always makes Andi do for him. As he barks at her to hurry up, the man settles into an armchair, his belly out and shaving cream over his face. She picks up the razor. His neck is fully exposed, and she stares down at it, while the man continues to make lewd comments about her.She swallows hard and starts shaving. The more offensive her step-father is, the tighter she grips the razor. Finally, he brushes her off, wipes his face, and leaves — telling her to finish her chores. She stands there, holding the razor in her hands and staring at him.

That evening, Andi takes out the trash. A neighbor from down the road notices her and runs over to say hi. They used to hang out all the time but, ever since Andi’s mom passed, they never see each other anymore. The neighbor asks how she’s doing and tries to get Andi to stop, sitting down on the curb for a minute and beckoning her over. Through their small talk, Andi confides what’s been happening withher step-father. He keeps her home from school, makes lewd comments, treats her like his property. But, her mother left him in charge … and, as long as he’s alive, he has control over the family’s money. So, she’s stuck with him. The neighbor laughs and reminds her that Fred is a lazy pig — he smokes too much, drinks too much, eats too much. Maybe, if she’s lucky, he won’t be around all that much longer! As Andi laughs meekly, the door opens and Fred hollers for her to come inside. The neighbor asks if she wants to spend the night at her house … but Andi brushes her off, saying it’ll be ok. She darts inside. When Andi enters, Fred stops her. He asks who she was talking to and demands that she tell him when she plans to leave the house again. Submissively, she agrees so he will back off. Fred starts leering at her again, following her through the house as she tries to get away from him. Finally, out of breath, he pins her in a corner and orders her to go turn down his bed … and to do it in the nightie he bought her. Andi closes her eyes and nods.

The tiny teen enters her father’s bedroom in a skimpy nightie and walks to his bedside. A porn magazine, some tissues, lube, a wet sock, and a bottle of sildenafil lay scattered across the bed. Andi stares at them, picking each item up in disgust. Every night he does this — jerking himself off so loudly that she can hear every stroke. She thinks of all the lewd comments her father made. She stares down at herself, nearly-naked in the outfit he makes her wear. She can hear him coughing in the next room and listens to every wheeze. Her neighbor is right, he is a lazy pig. Maybe there is something she can do to stop him. With a sneaky smile crossing her face, Andi calls out to Fred to come in the room.

puretaboo, pornalized One Day at a Time

One Day at a Time

Vulnerable Teen Addict Tricked into Sex during Rehab

The camera tracks along a stretch of road, slowly coming upon a teen girl as she lays twitching on the pavement. She is dirty and frothing slightly from the mouth, as the whites of her eyes roll back and she mutters incoherently. Lying beside her is a kit with needles, a spoon, and some unmarked powder. An unmarked cop car pulls up in the distance, its lights flashing. From a dutch angle, we see two officers step out and walk over to the girl. They feel her pulse and root through her pockets to find her wallet. An officer pulls out her ID and notes that she is over 18 years old. Shaking their heads, pick her up and put her in the back seat.

As they drive, she slumps over in the back seat. Off camera, you can hear the officers discuss what to do with her. One suggests she spend another night in county to teach her a lesson. The other cuts in, saying it won’t work. She’ll be back on the streets doing the same shit again. She needs rehab. they should take her over to the sober living house so she can detox. The guy who runs it always has a way with dealing with the lost girls. Maybe he can fix her. They drive off towards the house.

Scene cuts to several days later. It’s morning. The teen, a small fragile girl named Angie, opens her eyes. The brightness of the room is shocking and she pulls up the covers to block it out. She is naked under the sheets. The door opens and a man enters. He is clean and handsome, carrying a covered tray of food. Angie peeks out and stares at him nervously, slowly realizing that she doesn’t know where she is. The man sets the food down and introduces himself as Eric. He runs a sober living house. She looks down and realizes she is naked. She quickly covers herself, asking how she got here and where her clothes are.

Eric replies that she had overdosed and the cops who found her had brought her here. She’s lucky they didn’t put lock her up. She’s been in and out for almost 3 days, only waking up when the withdrawal symptoms got too intense. Angie remembers nothing and seems very confused. Eric sits down beside her and gently takes her hand. It’s ok, he says. I know what you’re going through. I’ve been there too. He goes on to describe his own experiences with drugs and shows her a 1-year recovery medallion. Sober living worked for me, he reassures her. I’ve turned my life around. It’s all about taking one day at a time. I can help you do the same … if you trust me.

Angie covers her head in her hands, reeling from her symptoms. She asks Eric if he can simply let her go. She doesn’t need to be here. Eric reminds her that the cops specifically asked him to take care of her. He doesn’t know when they’ll be back to check up. He tries to get Angie to open up about her own experience. She confides in him that she is a good girl, with good parents. She just parties a little too much. If he will just let her go, she promises to go home and not do this again. Eric reiterates that the cops are watching him closely and that he has an obligation to rehabilitate the girls who enter his house. Angie starts to cry, as she scrunches the sheets around herself. She begs and pleads with him … saying she’ll do anything to just go home.

Eric stares at her for a long time, his eyes occasionally darting back to the covered food tray. I suppose I could make something up if the cops came back … He says slowly. Angie perks up and continues to beg and thank him. Eric continues to stare, lost in thought. He watches as the sheets scrunched up around Angie start to slouch, exposing her nipples. But if I were to let you go, he continues. You need to make it worth my while. She asks him what he means. Eric edges closer to her on the bed and tells her to drop the sheets. Stunned, she leaps off the bed and makes for the door. It’s locked. She tells him to stay back. Calmly, Eric reiterates the situation. Look, I’m not here to do any harm. I’m here to help you. But if you aren’t willing to stay here and you want me to cover it up, you are going to need to treat me with a little more respect. I’m simply asking for an exchange. A deal. You’re familiar with dealing, right? This descends into a negotiation between Eric and Angie. After protesting, Angie ultimately decides it is worth it to sleep with the counselor in exchange for her early exit. She gives her full, lucid consent.

puretaboo, pornalized The Nerd's Revenge

The Nerd’s Revenge

Watch Kristen Scott’s First Double Penetration Scene

SCENE opens on Kris, a shy 18-year-old girl, as her car slowly creeps to a stop in a corner of her school’s parking lot. A box of homemade cookies sits wrapped up on the passenger seat beside her. The nerdy teenager sinks down in her chair, trying to avoid students as they pass. She is waiting for the bell to ring before getting out because she doesn’t want anyone to see her. When it does, the girl breathes a sigh of relief and slowly gets out of her car. She grabs the cookies, nearly dropping them, and walks towards the door with her head down. Alex, another student in her class, quietly enters the frame and runs up to her, offering to carry her things. She looks timidly at him before handing over the box and her books. But just as he takes them, another student named Derek comes flying in and knocks the stuff over. He laughs hysterically and makes fun of Alex for being nice to the nerd. In a panic, Kris bends over to pick everything up when Derek hikes up her skirt and starts to tease her about her ‘granny panties.’ Even Alex starts laughing. The boys run inside and leave Kris cowering over her mess. She picks up a cookie and starts to cry before slowly becoming expressionless and turning to stare at the door. She crumbles the cookie in her hand.

Kris stares down at a bowl of cereal, as her mother walks past and urges her to eat. Not looking up, Kris tells her that she doesn’t want to go to school today. Some boys have been bullying her. Sounding irritated, her mother reminds her that she is 18-years-old and a big girl. She shouldn’t take it personally … they probably just have a crush on her. Kris doesn’t react.

Cut to Kris meekly changing into a one-piece bathing suit in a public stall. When her teacher pokes her head into the changing room and urges the girl to come to practice, Kris tells her she isn’t feeling well and asks to skip the class. The teacher tells her OK but this is the final time this semester that she’ll be allowed to sit out.

Cut to Kris sitting under a tree, doing homework, when she is bombarded by the bullies. Running past, Derek and Alex peg her with water balloons. Soaked and horrified, she can barely wipe her eyes before Derek yells ‘I didn’t know you were into golden showers!’ The boys high five and run off. Kris begins crying again but suddenly stops. With a blank stare, she stabs her notebook repeatedly before throwing it on the ground.

Cut to Kris at home, staring at her self in the bathroom mirror. The shower runs in the background and fogs the mirror up. Wiping away the steam, she cries at her reflection in self-pity. The crying builds up to hysterics before slowly turning into laughter. She leaves the room.

Cut to the school parking lot. Kris has put a ‘bake sale’ sign on her car and is standing in front of it,with a tray of cookies, when the bullies come up to her. Derek grabs a cookie and mockingly eats it before spitting it in her face and grabbing a handful to go. You can see Alex hesitate, feeling sorry for the girl. He tells Derek to chill but Derek tells him to stop being a pussy and tosses him a cookie. ‘Eat one,’ he says, ‘they’re delicious.’ Alex slowly takes a bite.

Cut to a darkened room. The boys lie stretched out in nothing but their boxers. They slowly wake up to the sound of a naked Kris feverishly masturbating with a hitachi until she squirts. They jump back in shock and confusion. Derek demands to know where they are and, laughing, Kris tells them that she hopes they liked her cookies. Alex asks if they had been messed with and, ignoring him, Kris begins ranting about how she’s fed up with their bullying. It’s been every single day for the past four years. Tonight, it’s going to stop. Alex asks what she is going to do to them and she responds by saying ‘It’s not what I’m going to do to you that matters, it’s what you’re going to do FOR me to get out of this!’ Derek laughs and starts to get up, calling Kris a nobody. He says she doesn’t know what she’s doing and she’s going to regret it. Laughing even harder, Kris shows them some polaroid photos she took while they were out and retorts that they don’t need to worry about her, they need to worry about their reputation. The boys look at the photos in horror, as we can only imagine what they are seeing!

puretaboo, pornalized Driver's Education

Driver’s Education

Teen Student Fucked by Pervert during Driving Lesson

The scene opens on an over the shoulder shot of Peter, a disheveled looking man, as he peers inside the door of a woman’s public washroom. A girl sits inside the stall peeing, her feet visible, while Peter breathes heavily and grabs his crotch at the prospect of seeing her. He licks his lips in anticipation when a hand suddenly clasps down on his shoulder. It’s a security guard, who spins Peter around and angrily escorts him off the property. A tracking shot shows the guard dragging Peter off a school campus. He gets the man to the edge of the parking lot before warning him to never come back on the property again. He has been banned and, the next time he’s caught snooping around the girls, they will call the police. The guard storms off, leaving Peter to pick himself up off the ground. Just as he is about to walk off, a mother and her 18-year-old daughter pull up to the curb beside him. The mother, sitting in the passenger seat, rolls down her window and asks Peter if he is her daughter’s driving instructor. Stacey, the teen girl, sits awkwardly in the driver’s seat, adjusting the mirrors and rolling her eyes. Peter stares at her before turning back to the mother and blankly saying ‘yes I am.’ She gets out of the car and he slides inside beside the teen as the mother walks off. She asks him what she should do first. Without missing a beat, Peter says ‘just start driving.’

The pair drive awkwardly through the streets, as Stacey tries to small talk (her age, her interests, her school, her boyfriend, why she is taking extra driving lessons, etc..) while Peter stares blankly at her. You sense he is trying to figure out what to do next as his eyes stay locked on her tight teen body. He guides her through some basic maneuvers while racking his mind for a place they can go. It needs to be private. Out of the way. Discreet. Somewhere no one will disturb them. But what is he going to do with her when he gets there? These thoughts race in Peter’s mind as he remembers a lonely stretch of road just outside of town. He used to take girls there when he wanted privacy. Maybe, if he gets Stacey alone on that road, he can think of something else to do with her. A sly smile crosses his face as he instructs the girl to drive towards his secret destination. When they arrive on the desolate road, Stacey begins to feel nervous. Why would her driving instructor take her here? All the other ones stuck to the main roads. Peter matter-of-factly explains that he knows a short cut to getting her license. He took her here so he could show her. This makes Stacey relieved, she has failed her driver’s test three times now and her mom is breathing down her neck. Peter tells her he has an in with the DMV and can get her license without having to take the road test. She can’t believe it. Smiling, he tells her they can over to the office right now and get it all sorted out. She hugs him. He continues to bate her … telling her what a relief it will be to finally be independent and get her mother off her back! Stacey nods and asks what she needs to do. Peter says that she just has to fuck him.

puretaboo, porngem The Jealous Brother

The Jealous Brother

Teen Takes Double Creampies after Getting Caught with Boyfriend

SCENE opens on Gina and David, two 18-year-old high school seniors, as they walk home from class holding hands. Both are dressed in their school uniforms. Gina has been secretly dating David for a few months now and is totally smitten by him: he is handsome, sweet, on the football team, and very popular at school. But she comes from an ultra-conservative family and is afraid of their relationship going public. Her father is a prejudiced man and, as the head of their house, if he were to find out about David, she doesn’t even know what he would do. As they walk home, down one of the back roads they take to spend more time together, David pleads with Gina to stand up to her father. Graduation is almost here, they’re both 18 now, and there is no reason why they cannot just run away together at the end of the year. Gina buries herself in David’s chest, about to cry. She apologizes for her family being so ignorant and tells him she loves him. As she says this, a car pulls up behind them and screeches to a halt. The window rolls down and Jeremy, Gina’s older step-brother, yells angrily out the car for her to get in. David looks concerned and asks who it is. Gina looks petrified and, breaking away from her boyfriend, tells him she’ll call him later … she must go. It’s her brother. She runs into the car and it speeds off past the confused teenage boy.

Inside the car, Jeremy drives without looking at his sister. He seems furious. There is a long awkward pause as she sits beside him and fiddles with her school girl skirt. Finally, he slams on the brakes, and turning the car off, barks at her ‘Who the hell was that?’ Gina shrinks back and tells him it was just a boy from school. No big deal. Jeremy studies her for a moment before grabbing her face. ‘I told you to stay away from boys like that, Gina.’ He orders. ‘You know what your father will do when he finds out.’ Gina yanks his hand off and replies ‘There’s nothing to find out, Jeremy. He was just walking me home. You don’t need to make a big deal out of it.’ There is another awkward silence as Jeremy stares his sister down, seething. ‘Why is it that you don’t want to spend any time with me anymore … but I find you on some dirt road being fondled by a …’ Gina cuts him off and pleads with him that it’s normal for step- siblings to have other friends. The word ‘step’ seems to ignite something in Jeremy and he explodes.

‘So, that’s what I’m reduced to now … just a step-brother? I spend all your life protecting you, being your older brother and now I’m like, what, not even good enough for that? I’m being demoted?’ Sensing her brother’s jealously, Gina tries to back track … she apologizes for what she said, she tells him that she loves him, that he has always been there for her, that she appreciates him. Jeremy looks smugly ahead. ‘This is the last time I’m going to tell you — I don’t want to see you with that boy again!’ Gina crosses her arms and says ‘fine, let’s just go home please.’ Jeremy turns the car back on and they drive off. Later that evening, Gina sits in her bedroom studying when there is a knock on the back door. It’s David. Nervously, she lets him inside and asks him what he’s doing there. David tells her that he was worried about her, about what happened earlier that day, and why she wasn’t answering her texts. Gina begs him to leave before her parents come home. They’re at choir practice and should be back within a few hours. David stands his ground and demands to know why his girlfriend wouldn’t answer her texts all night. Gina explains that her older step-brother freaked out when he saw them together. He threatened to tell her father. David offers to beat him up and, laughing nervously, Gina falls into his arms. She tells him no, Jeremy is harmless … he is just a little possessive. He never had many friends growing up. It will all blow over soon.

They start kissing. Gina seems nervous about him being in the house, but David keeps pushing, reminding her that two hours alone is a long time … they should take the opportunity while her parents are out to be together. They always talk about messing around, but they can never do it … so, if she really likes him, she’d want to take advantage too. You can see how persistent and horny David is. Nervously, Gina agrees and guides him over to her bed. As he takes off her pajamas, she asks if he has a condom. He tells her he didn’t think to bring one but that shouldn’t stop them. It’ll be ok. She is hesitant but, seeing how excited her boyfriend is, agrees just this once to not use one.

puretaboo, porngem Mr. Nice Guy

Mr. Nice Guy

Innocent Teen Goes Home with Stranger for Extreme Rough Sex Hookup

SCENE opens on Amy, an 18-year-old girl, as she crashes through the door and into a hallway, laughing and nearly losing her footing. She is closely followed by Eric, a 25-year-old man, who catches the teenager and steadies her on her feet, laughing alongside her. The happy pair met that night at a club and instantly hit it off, flirting and dancing until the wee hours of the morning. When Eric invited Amy back to his house, she eagerly accepted and now here they are. Slightly embarrassed from the wipe out, the girl looks down the darkened hallway of her hookup’s place. It’s filled with strange statues that catch her off guard. ‘What are you … some kind of serial killer?’ she asks giggling, as Eric kisses her neck and guides her down the hall, brushing off his art collection as a hobby. He opens the door to his master and invites her inside. ‘See, no statues in here, I promise!’ She walks inside, and he shuts the door, his expression dropping completely.

Inside the bedroom, the pair start kissing and making their way over to Eric’s bed. In between kisses, they recount their night together and what a great coincidence it was for them to meet. Even though they’ve only known each other for a few hours, it feels as if they’ve known each other for years. You can tell that Amy is totally smitten by Eric, who is being sweet and goofy with her. She coyly asks if she can suck his dick and, smiling, he stops and takes her by the hand. ‘Before we do anything,’ he says. ‘I need to make sure we’re honest with each other. I’m guessing you’re not twenty-one yet, are you? You seem a little young to be at that club.’ Amy blushes and admits that she just turned eighteen, using her sister’s ID to get in. It was the first time she’s ever done anything like that before. Eric laughs, shaking his head, and asks if she even ever had sex before. Amy drops his hand and, trying to act sexy and mature, tells him she’s had three boyfriends and fucked two of them. ‘I’m really good at sex,’ she says awkwardly, leaning back in. They kiss again for a few minutes and she starts to unzip his pants when he stops her again. ‘Have you ever had rough sex before, Amy?’ He asks calmly. She looks a bit taken aback but, wanting to seem cool, tells him ‘sure, I’ve done that.’ Eric smiles and puts her hand back over his crotch. ‘Good,’ he says sweetly. ‘Because I really like you!’ Amy eagerly pulls out his cock and looks up at him. ‘I like you too!’ she says before he shoves his cock deep down her throat.

This descends into the BG ROUGH SEX scene. Throughout the sex, Eric takes a dominant role into making Amy submit to a range of rough sex positions. His attitude switches from being a nice guy to a total sadist: verbally humiliating and domineering the girl. Despite his change in behavior, Amy remains eager to please him and consents to every act but, as the sex goes on, you can see her being pushed further and further out of her comfort zone by Eric’s rough demeanor. Likewise, the further he pushes her, the more Eric seems to get off.

puretaboo, porngem Mamma's Boy

Mamma’s Boy

Step-Sister Tricks Brother into Sex After Discovering his Mom Crush

SCENE opens on Rachel, a 20-year-old girl, as she walks down the stairs and struts into her family’s kitchen — barely dressed and hair tousled from a late night out partying. Her younger step-brother, Nathan, is eating cereal and dressed neatly in his school uniform. When he sees her, he lowers his eyes in disgust and exclaims that she shouldn’t be walking around the house like that. Laughing at him, Rachel grabs some food and sits down beside her brother. She teases him for still wearing his uniformto school, even though he doesn’t have to. He’s 18-years-old and still acts like a school boy. Nathan tells her to leave him alone, he dresses like this because he is a good student. He’s planning to graduate and go to college, unlike her! Ignoring him, she continues to tease him and act like a bitch when Nathan mutters that she’s lucky his mom had to work the early shift this week because, otherwise, she would be in big trouble for making fun of him. She laughs even harder and calls him a mama’s boy before he slams his spoon down and storms out of the room.

Nathan storms into the living room and calls his mother. Over the phone, he tells her that Rachel is making fun of him again. Moreover, he’s pretty sure she’s hungover and planning to do something bad this week while she’s out working. Telling on his sister is Nathan’s attempt to try and get his mother to come home, because he doesn’t like being alone with her. She makes him feel uncomfortable. His mother assures him that he is a big boy and that he shouldn’t worry about his step-sister like that. She is just figuring herself out, especially with her father always travelling on business and not giving her attention. Besides, it’s nice to see the two of them finally spend quality time together. After all, they are a blended family. She tells him she loves him, but she must go back to work, and the mother and son have a sappy, sentimental parting. When Nathan gets off the phone, he still feels frustrated. He turns to leave when he realizes Rachel has been listening the entire time. ‘I make you feel uncomfortable?’ she asks teasingly. Nathan tells her not to be gross, they’re like family. She needs to go put real clothes on and not dress like such a floozy. What would mom say? Rachel asks why Nathan is always running to his mom when he needs something. Does he have a crush on her or something? It’s weird for him to be such a mamma’s boy! Nathan tells her to leave him alone, grabs his backpack, and storms out of the house for school.

CUT to that evening. Nathan comes home when he hears moaning. He calls out to his mother, but gets no reply. Slowly walking up the stairs, he realizes that the noises are coming from his bedroom! When he opens the door, he is shocked to see his step-sister watching one of his pornos on TV. Embarrassed, he tries to turn the TV off while she mocks him about all the dirty movies she found hidden under his bed. She is wearing nothing but a crop top and panties.

Finally getting the TV to turn off, he runs over to his bed to try and conceal the pile of DVDs strewn all over. It seems like he is desperately searching for something. Smiling triumphantly, Rachel watches him scramble before asking ‘Are you looking for the photos of mom?’ Nathan freezes. His eyes look wild with anger. Rachel pulls out a series of cum-stained photographs of his mother and shows them to Nathan. ‘These look really soiled,’ she says. ‘How many loads did you drop on this photo? Does my dad know that you jack off to photos of your mother?’ Nathan tries to grab the photos away, but Rachel runs around the room, teasing them in his face and continuing to berate them. ‘Between these cum soaked pictures and all your hardcore porn, I think it’s safe to say that I have something rather important to tell our parents about your perverted behavior!’